quadrate - definizione. Che cos'è quadrate
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Cosa (chi) è quadrate - definizione

Quadrate (disambiguation)

I. a.
II. n.
¦ noun 'kw?dr?t (also quadrate bone) Zoology a squarish bone in the skull of a bird or reptile, with which the jaw articulates.
¦ adjective 'kw?dr?t roughly square or rectangular.
¦ verb kw?'dre?t, 'kw?dre?t (usu. quadrate with) archaic conform.
ME: from L. quadrat-, quadrare 'make square', from quattuor 'four'.
·adj The quadrate bone.
II. Quadrate ·adj Squared; suited; correspondent.
III. Quadrate ·adj Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
IV. Quadrate ·adj Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
V. Quadrate ·vt To adjust (a gun) on its carriage; also, to train (a gun) for horizontal firing.
VI. Quadrate ·adj Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
VII. Quadrate ·adj A plane surface with four equal sides and four right angles; a square; hence, figuratively, anything having the outline of a square.
VIII. Quadrate ·adj An aspect of the heavenly bodies in which they are distant from each other 90°, or the quarter of a circle; quartile. ·see the Note under Aspect, 6.
IX. Quadrate ·adj To Square; to Agree; to Suit; to Correspond;
- followed by with.



Quadrate may refer to:

  • Quadrate bone
  • Quadrate (heraldry)
  • Quadrate lobe of liver
  • Quadrate tubercle of femur
Esempi di pronuncia per quadrate
1. at the corner of the quadrat?
CORAL - Data-Driven Reef Conservation _ Michael Webster _ Talks at Google
2. is they built a quadrat for counting
CORAL - Data-Driven Reef Conservation _ Michael Webster _ Talks at Google
3. of the modern quadrat approach to doing botanical surveys.
Costa _ Talks at Google
4. and they could put that quadrat in exactly the same place.
CORAL - Data-Driven Reef Conservation _ Michael Webster _ Talks at Google